Learn the Signs of Panic Attacks


What are the Signs of Panic Attacks?

Have you ever experienced any of these symptoms:
  • Chest pain or discomfort
  • Dizziness or faintness
  • Fear of dying
  • Fear of losing control
  • Feeling of choking
  • Feelings of detachment
  • Feelings of unreality
  • Nausea or upset stomach
  • Numbness or tingling
  • Palpitations or pounding heart
  • Sensation of shortness of breath
  • Sweating, chills, or hot flashes
  • Trembling or Shaking
Well did you realize that these are all signs of panic attacks?  It's true, panic attacks or "anxiety attacks" can cause all of these symptoms.  If you are someone like myself that has suffered with panic attacks for years chances are you experienced at least a few if not most of these symptoms.

What should you do if you show signs of panic attacks?

For me the best method has always been to recognize that what is happening to me IS a panic attack.  This made it easier for me to calm down, and reassure myself that nothing bad could happen if I just got through it.  I know what you are thinking, much easier said then done.  That's very true this is not always the easiest thing to do when your heart feels like it wants to jump out of your chest and you feel like you can't catch a full breath no matter how hard you try. So what else can you do when you show the signs of panic attacks?
Learn How to Stop Panic Attacks
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    1. Tell yourself that what you are having is a just a panic attack, nothing more.  Remind yourself that you have lived through panic attacks before and you will live through this one. 
    2. Try to take your mind off of the panic attackTalk to a friend, surf the internet, play a game, watch a funny movie.  Just do anything you can to try think of something other then your panic attack.
    3. Don't fight it, let it take it's course.  Just remember that the panic attack will come and it will go, and after all it has run it's course you will be fine.
    4. If you can't get your mind off of your panic attack remember to tell yourself that you will be ok!  Don't think negative thoughts.  Just keep reassuring yourself that everything will fine.

    Is There Any Way to Stop Panic Attacks Before They Happen?

    The answer to this is YES there is   Now that you have identified the signs of panic attacks and learned a few way to help get through them why not take the next step and stop them from happening in the first place.  I know this sounds too good to be true, but it is!  There is a proven method to stop panic and anxiety from running your life.  Imagine, no more living in fear of when the next panic attack will happen. Imagine, no more avoiding situation because they cause too much panic and anxiety.  Once you have lived with panic attacks you realize that living without them is PRICELESS. 

    Panic Attacks Occur in a Cycle

    When you stop to think about it you realize that panic attacks occur in a cycle.
    1. The first part of this cycle is the anxiety.  This is usually when you feel the signs of panic attacks starting to occur.
    2. Next this anxiety can build up and cause you to have a panic attack.
    3. The final piece of this cycle is when the panic attack is over and you have the feel the fear of when your next panic attack will happen.  It's this fear that leads to anxiety and starts the cycle over.
    I've lived in this cycle, and know what it feels like to be stuck in it.  However I've also found a way to break this cycle.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it's easy.  What I am saying that it's worth the effort to break the cycle.  If you are ready to break the cycle then I recommend the most effective and proven method out there -- PANIC AWAY.
